Subject: Re:Street Food
Hi Frances and Other Ziners,

It's always great to talk about food. While it was not exactly "street food," I did have my first treat of Tartuflette at a sidewalk table in the Alsace. This wonderful mixture of sliced potatoes, Reblochon cheese, cream, etc. told me exactly what to ask for my first meal if I ever make it to Heaven. Our coach driver was from that part of France and suggested we be sure to try it. As far as food, it was the highlight of the trip for me, though we ate in many fine restaurants.

When in Guilin, China, back in the late 80's, I talked myself out of buying egg rolls from an ancient lady vendor with a cart, deciding that I really wasn't hungry enough for them. The next morning, the Dr. who was part of our group of eighteen, was too ill to come down for breakfast. He said it was from the egg rolls he got from a nice old lady whose picture he took with his Polaroid. She had never seen or had a photograph of herself, and she insisted on sharing her wares as a sign of appreciation. The Dr. was very pleased that I had a Rx for that kind of illness that I could share. It gave me a full appreciation of weighing the risks, while not eliminating new tastes and experiences while traveling.

Happy travels to all,

Lou in Lakeway, Texas,