Subject: Re: Summer Plans?
Hi Ziners,

In twenty minutes (my husband assures me he'll be ready to leave) we will hop in the car and drive to Vancouver, WA from NY to visit our daughter and family. We have to stop at our son-in-law's parents' house in Lexington, KY to pick up a radial arm saw that father is passing on to son. Actually, they will also be going to WA (our mutual grandson is performing in his high school play) but they are flying.

After some seeing some sights and visiting, I will fly up to Seattle for a birding tour of the Okanogan Valley of central WA. I'll also see some cousins in Seattle, who live very convenienly two blocks from the Woodland Park Zoo. I'm a zooholic and they know I'm not coming to see them.

Then we go home. Not sure how long that will take. Then it's on to another week's birding-cum ruins tour in Belize in July. Boy, retirement sure is tough!

Happy Summer everyone, Carrie in Bardonia, NY