Subject: Sorrento, Italy
Hello everybody.

Before we set off for our regular trip to Greece to find some long term accommodation for next year, I thought I would ask you all out there if someone had information to share on Sorrento, Italy. We are going there in September for our wedding anniversary and will have four full days, and one half when we arrive (although we may just relax after getting up at 1am to get to the airport that day !).

We have heard about Pompeii, but no detail. We would like to see a few sights/sites and also if anyone knows any really good Italian eateries (as opposed to "tourist" ones). We are quite excited to be going to Sorrento as we have only been to Northern Italy before, to Lake Garda, which we loved.

We have a great year ahead this year, my 50th birthday year. We go to Greece for three weeks in June, to France for 2 days in August, to Sorrento for five days in September, and then to cap it all my real treat is 3 weeks in Thailand over Christmas.

If anyone needs any information on Halkidiki, Greece or Bangkok/Phuket in Thailand, we have been there many many times and would be pleased to give some advice.

Thanks in advance for any information on Sorrento. Another thought, I am assuming it will still be warm around 20th September in Sorrento, I know it is in Greece. Thanks again.

Happy summer, or as they say in Greek Kalo kalokairi to everybody

Jane Derbyshire, UK