Subject: Re: Sorrento, Italy
Hi all you Ziners and Lucy!

I too loved Capri. We also walked up the hill to Tiberius' villa. The town itself is lovely when you get away from all the hubub. I have heard that staying there is magical. Someday we'll go back.

Lucy, my husband and I really felt ripped off by the Blue Grotto tour. I am glad you had fun. We hated it. You have to be there when the sun is shining in the opening for it to be blue. We weren't. If it's cloudy, don't go. We got a boat and paid to go to the grotto. Then you are off loaded into a smaller row boat. Overcrowdedly full. When it's time to go into the cave (you have to wait your turn as there are lots of boats) The boatman makes you all lay flat down as he waits for the sea to drop so there is JUST BARELY room to get inside. I suppose this could be a matter of the tide too. My head was laying on a strange man's groin... NOT a great experience :-) Then once we were inside the boatman sang really bad opera and we struggled up out of the bottom of the boat to see..... nothing. A little blue over by the opening. the rest pitch black. AND the boatman expected to be paid (again even tho we paid the larger boat to bring us) AND tipped. So that was our experience.

Nancy in No. Virginia