Subject: Re: Oceania Cruises
Hi Candice and fellow Ziners,

You can tell that I'm already in "recovery" mode from my recent leg infection - I'm already researching cruises and, in fact, was just looking at the Oceania website this morning. We are considering a cruise being offered at the beginning of September, 2007 starting in Venice and finishing in Athens on the "Insignia".

It starts in Venice (I didn't get to visit Venice a few weeks ago as I was confined to my hotel room) so it would be a chance for us to finally be able to visit there. It also has some interesting stops in Croatia, Albania, and Montenegro as well as several Greek islands and the 10 day length would be perfect for my husband.

We would be leaving from Canada and we do have a local "cruise" specialist.

Have any of you travelled on the "Insignia" and could provide comments, suggestions. I know we will be booking an outside room with a balcony/porch if possible.

Also, how is the food on Oceania? We want to try travelling with this line as the ships are smaller.

Pat, Ontario Canada