Subject: Re: Metro service cuts from Barajas airport
Hi Covadonga and Other Ziners,

I'd like also remind to all coming to Madrid about the existence of a new - IV terminal - which makes the life much more difficult. It's a huge (though architecturally beautiful) elephant situated quite far from the metro and other public transport. So, if you want to get into Madrid by public transport, you have to take the free shuttle bus from the terminal 4 to the metro. And even more, you have to use the sort of metro inside the terminal 4. It took me about 1 hour this April to get from my flight to the metro.

Another problem is a transfer flights. If your flight comes to the terminal which is different from the one from where your connection flight departs - you have to allow much!!! more time for connection. It's a headache of many tourists and air companies today.

So be warned and ready, and enjoy yourself. Sincerely, Alex Jerusalem Israel