Subject: iPods
Hi, Ziners:

In my travels, I have loved my little iPod Shuffle & Sony Earbuds to keep me entertained while on flights short or long. I never mess with the docking devices for recharging because I'm often somewhere without electricity, or with unpredictable current. I got the little adapter that provides about 18 hours on 2 AAA batteries & that has worked just fine.

But, in a splurge, I recently purchased the 60gb 5G Video iPod. Oh my goodness, the picture quality is incredible, tho I haven't downloaded my fave Lost episodes yet, just a photo gallery. Song capacity is awesome. But I'm not sure how handle recharges on the road. Anybody else using one of these marvelous gadgets in places without electricity? I saw a cute little solar recharger, but so far don't know anyone who has used it.

Gail In cloudy, cool Eugene OR USA